Thank you for visiting our site. It is my aim to show people that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help with our most overwhelming emotions, such as anxiety. I want to give you every resource I can to help you pastor your church well related to anxiety. On this page you will find access to my book, access to a free sermon series on anxiety, other articles and resources, and a way to purchase “The End of Anxiety” at a bulk rate discount. If there is anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
I am here for you!
Yes, that is right, I want to give pastors my book for free! If you are a fellow pastor, I don’t want funds to stand in the way. I know how exciting it is to get a free book. It is my privilege to provide this at no charge to you. There are no catches. All you have to do is tell me where to send it. I do ask that you (1) read it and (2) consider sharing it with someone in your church who needs this message. I pray that this will be a resource for you as you show others the power of the Gospel to help with our anxiety.

I am giving you access to my sermon series on “The End of Anxiety.” This was a three-part sermon series that complimented the book. All of this is yours for the taking. Please use it and corm it to fit best to your preaching and congregation. All images in the slides are able to be used without licensing. You are welcome to take my manuscript notes and points and make them your own.
Series Overview:
- 3 weekend service messages
- The congregation will hear:
- Why God allows our anxiety and how He can use it for His greater purposes
- What to do about the negative tracks that play in their mind
- How do connect with other believers, both in Scripture and in your church, so they can feel supported or give support
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is sufficient to help us with our most overwhelming emotions
Message 1: Learning to Trust God’s Heart when I Can’t See His Hand
Message 2: How do I gain control when I feel out of control?
About The End of Anxiety
The End of Anxiety is designed for individuals or small groups; each chapter begins with Scripture and finishes with practical steps you can apply for immediate relief. Your anxiety, fear, stress, and panic are not the end of you—but facing them could be the start of something great!

Donald S. Whitney

Ray Johnston

Brad Bigney

The End Of Anxiety
The End of Anxiety is designed for individuals or small groups; each chapter begins with Scripture and finishes with practical steps you can apply for immediate relief. Your anxiety, fear, stress, and panic are not the end of you—but facing them could be the start of something great!